As it turns out, JS was not too happy with the D60, and so we went back to the store last night after work and upgraded to the D80. We just got the kit lens, which is an 18-55, but it will do for now. We'd like to get some better lenses eventually. The D80 just has better features and is quite a bit faster, so it will take us farther than the D60. The cookie to the left is one of my first photographic attempts with the new camera.
After fooling around with the camera, it was time to get into the kitchen! Today was the day I set aside to start my Christmas baking. First on the list was shortbread. I decided to be a purist this time and not get into lavender and crystallized ginger. At Christmastime, I think tradition always wins. So scalloped round, buttery shortbread biscuits with sparkling coloured sugar were in order. Also on the agenda was gingerbread, the dough is hanging out in the fridge while the shortbread continue to hog the oven. Hopefully I'll have time to bake them today.
Usually I send some cookies to all our "gosses" in France. I've done shortbread, sugar cookies and gingerbread. Surprisingly, J, who was 2 at the time, loved the spicy gingerbread, even though the French don't usually seem to be fans. So this year I'm going to go with gingerbread again. Maybe in the shape of sapins de noel....
les "petites belles choses" made by Kristin ont vraiment l'air delicieux et ca donne envie^^
JS a de la chance!
chez nous, le noel n'est entre dans la porte qu'aux derniers 10 jours avant le 24 decembre selon le "timing" de JC. Quand je lui parle des cadeaux de noel, il dit toujours que"c'est trop tot!!"comme JS.
Chez les garcons la vie semble avoir moins de soucis mais aussi moins d'esprit, il me semble...
Tu as raison Chia-Hui, les garcons ont moins d'esprit que nous!
Merci d'avoir toujours des gentils mots.
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